FS Netherlands 2021
Overall 2/28 - TT Assen
- 2nd place Endurance
- 3rd place Skidpad
- 3rd place Autocross
FS Swiss Online 2021
Overall 4/18
FS Spain 2021
Overall 1/7 - Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
- 1st place Business plan presentation
- 3rd place Cost
- 1st place Engineering design
- 1st place Acceleration
- 1st place Skidpad
- 1st place Autocross
- 2nd place Trackdrive
The URE15 was the second car URE built using the modular driverless and electric concept. It featured, among other improvements, a brand-new multilink suspension and major improvements to the driverless software and hardware. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all formula student events for the 2019-2020 season were canceled, and for this reason, the URE15 was developed over two years.
During the second year of development, the focus was put on finishing the car as soon as possible. This, in combination with numerous hours of static and on-track testing, ensured that the car was at its maximum performance during the competition. Ultimately, the URE15 turned out to be the best performing car ever developed by URE with 2nd place at FSN Electric and 1st place at FSS Driverless.
Technical Specifications
Weight (EV)
0-100 time
Drag Reduction
Two-piece, top and bottom half, CFRP Sandwich Structure with aluminium honeycomb core
In-house laminated using pre-impregnated carbon fibers
14-way digital fusebox, settable via CAN
Live Telemetry via WiFi
Smart Display in steering wheel
Custom live telemetry dashboard​
​Control Software
Electronic velocity vectoring differential
State of charge estimation
Power limit controller
Wheel speed controller
62kg at 60km/h
23kg at 60km/h
System on rear and front wing
4x Custom URE/AE PMSM
Custom URE/Prodrive quad inverter
140kW/80kW (competition limited)
4 x 400Nm
11.56:1 compounded planetary gears set
​Autonomous Systems
Driverless ECU
LiDAR Sensor
Camera Sensor
Cone detection
Localisation &
Path planning
Path tracking
Steering control
Velocity control
Motor controller
Max power
Max torque
Battery capacity
Final drive
Direct acting multilink suspension
Multilink suspension
Rear anti-roll bar with flex blades
KW 3-way adjustable Formula Student dampers
205/50R10 custom Vredestein R&D
1220/1220mm (F/R)
Custom brake discs
Custom algorithms for localization &
color matching
FastSLAM 1.0
Cubic spline, custom modes per event
Control based on bicycle model
Dual-loop on position and velocity level
PID and feedforward
NVIDIA DRIVE PX2 Autochauffeur
Sekonix NA6062
Team Members
ManagementDion Engels - Chief Executive Officer Pascal Ruwen - Chief Mechanical and Drivetrain Aris van Ieperen - Chief Electronics, Software and Powertrain Rense Nijenkamp - Chief Autonomous Systems and Control Marco Jonkers - Chief Vehicle Dynamics and Testing
AerodynamicsBram Backhuijs Dennis De Niel Tom Oosterholt Ralf Reinartz Max van IJsseldijk
Autonomous SystemsRody Aerts Guus Bauwens Dennis van den Brandt Guus Engels Dennis Gubbels Jesse Koenders Richard Nusselder Tijs van der Smagt Alex Ummelen Teun Urselmann Niels Vervaet
BusinessDanny Scheffer Bram Smolenaars
ChassisWouter Doelman Sieuwe Elferink Lars Leemans
ControlSanjay Dinker Vignesh Gowrisankar Tom Heinen Nino Messaoudi Yash Sinha Thom Wijshoff
CostMax van Riel Danny Scheffer
Electronics & SoftwareDennis van den Brandt Josh Claessen Raymond de Groot Tymek Feldman Niek Kesteloo Shane Pereira Gina Sprenger Thibeau Teuwen Jeroen Verbong
Operations & PRLars Hak Carla Meijer Bram Smolenaars Bart Verrijt
PowertrainWouter Andriesse Matthis de Lange Arvind Desikan Joep Jacobs David Matos Len Schoemakers
TestingRohan Jikar
Vehicle DynamicsElise Levert Lars Mulder Wenger Pwa
Advisory AlumniWillian Bens Bjork van der Donk Lars Hermans Lennard Katan Sjoerd Knippenberg Rob Neggers Zjelko Parfant Teun Pijs
Advisory Commissiondr. ir. Bas Vermulst ir. Robbin van Hoek
Advisory Boarddr. ir. Igo Besselink dr. ir. Joris Remmers ir. Korneel Wijnands ir. Erwin Dekkers
2019 - 2020
ManagementDion Engels - Chief Executive Officer Pascal Ruwen - Chief Mechanical and Drivetrain Aris van Ieperen - Chief Electronics, Software and Powertrain Rense Nijenkamp - Chief Autonomous Systems and Control Marco Jonkers - Chief Vehicle Dynamics and Testing
AerodynamicsBram Backhuijs Dennis De Niel Tom Oosterholt Ralf Reinartz Max van IJsseldijk
Autonomous SystemsRody Aerts Guus Bauwens Dennis van den Brandt Guus Engels Dennis Gubbels Jesse Koenders Richard Nusselder Tijs van der Smagt Alex Ummelen Teun Urselmann Niels Vervaet
BusinessDanny Scheffer Bram Smolenaars
ChassisWouter Doelman Sieuwe Elferink Lars Leemans
ControlSanjay Dinker Vignesh Gowrisankar Tom Heinen Nino Messaoudi Yash Sinha Thom Wijshoff
CostMax van Riel Danny Scheffer
Electronics & SoftwareDennis van den Brandt Josh Claessen Raymond de Groot Tymek Feldman Niek Kesteloo Shane Pereira Gina Sprenger Thibeau Teuwen Jeroen Verbong
Operations & PRLars Hak Carla Meijer Bram Smolenaars Bart Verrijt
PowertrainWouter Andriesse Matthis de Lange Arvind Desikan Joep Jacobs David Matos Len Schoemakers
TestingRohan Jikar
Vehicle DynamicsElise Levert Lars Mulder Wenger Pwa
Advisory AlumniWillian Bens Bjork van der Donk Lars Hermans Lennard Katan Sjoerd Knippenberg Rob Neggers Zjelko Parfant Teun Pijs
Advisory Commissiondr. ir. Bas Vermulst ir. Robbin van Hoek
Advisory Boarddr. ir. Igo Besselink dr. ir. Joris Remmers ir. Korneel Wijnands ir. Erwin Dekkers
2020 - 2021
Click here for more URE15